Psychiatry and Mental Healthcare

Psychiatry and mental healthcare cater to a wide range of patients who may be experiencing emotional, behavioral, or psychological challenges. In the realm of mental health, CU Medicine offers specialized care through both psychology and psychiatry services.

Our team of psychologists and psychiatrists provide personalized mental health and behavioral services for individuals and families. We address a wide spectrum of concerns, including stress, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, and more. Through state-of-the-art clinical services, we offer a full range of mental health and behavioral health interventions. This includes neurobehavioral assessments, psychotherapy, strategies for behavioral change and health promotion, as well as neuromodulation and psychopharmacology services. Our approach is enriched by an acknowledgment of the cultural nuances influencing physical and psychological well-being. At CU Medicine, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge, culturally sensitive care to support the mental health journey of our patients and their families.