Non Surgical Pelvic Floor Disorder Treatments

Non Surgical pelvic floor disorder treatments may include medication, electrical stimulation or devices to help improve incontinence or prolapse symptoms. These procedures may be the best next steps when lifestyle modifications are not enough.

  • Pelvic floor physical therapy
  • Neuromodulation (electrical stimulation, PTNS and InterStim)
  • Urethral bulking (injections to improve incontinence)
  • Urethral reconstruction
  • Botox therapy for overactive bladder
  • Pessary (vaginal support device) fitting and management

The following services allow patients to take control of their pelvic health through changes to their diet, lifestyle habits and exercise routines. After a diagnosis, we will review best practices related to each treatment. Your willingness and ability to make these changes are integral to long-term success.

  • Pelvic floor re-education
  • Behavioral modification, including Kegel exercises
  • Dietary modification
  • Bladder training