Ergonomics Assessments 

Work Site Ergonomics

We offer a variety of ergonomic assessments that help determine how a person’s workstation can best minimize repetitive stress injuries and other injuries associated with the person’s normal job duties, while also enhancing workflow ease and efficiency. 

Implementation of appropriate ergonomics worksite recommendations offer long-term benefits to both employee and employer by reducing the risk of work-related injuries while providing an enhanced work environment for accomplishing work tasks more efficiently and with less effort.
The types of ergonomic evaluations we provide include:
  • Ergonomic assessment and recommendations for an individual workstation and employee (who may or may not have a disability, or pain and discomfort associated with work)
  • Ergonomic assessment and recommendations for multiple individuals and their workstations in a single office location
  • General ergonomic assessment and recommendations for a worksite with multiple workstations (without assessing the needs of specific employees)