Victoria Pelak, MD
Practice Locations
UCHealth Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Eye Center
CU Memory Disorders Clinic - Central Park
Provider Expertise
Clinical Interest for Patients
Visual changes associated with neurodegeneration.
Care Philosophy
I believe in patient-centered care, which means the patient's needs are at the center of the visit.
- Neuro-ophthalmology
- Neurology ( 1999 )
- Behavioral Neurology
Conditions & Treatments
Eyes and Vision
Brain and Nervous System
Education & Training
Medical Schools
MD, Wayne State University School of Medicine (1994)
Undergraduate Schools
BA, Kalamazoo College (MI) (1987)
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (1995)
Residency Program
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (1998)
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (1999)
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Neurology, Member
American Neurological Association, Member
Center for Neuroscience, Member
Colorado Clinical and Transational Science Inst., Member
Colorado Society of Clinical Neurologists, Member
North American Neuro-ophthalmology Society, Member
Rocky Mountain Region Neurosciences Group, Member
information for referring providers
Referral Contact Phone
Referral Contact Fax
Referring Patients Link
Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
Disorders of vision due to nervous system dysfunction, which combines the practices of neuro-ophthalmology and behavioral neurology to care for patients with visual field loss, visual hallucinations, cortical visual processing, typical and atypical Alzheimer's disease, posterior cortical atrophy syndrome, Lewy Body Dementias; I also provide care for all neuro-ophthalmic conditions, including optic nerve dysfunction, double vision, nystagmus, and pupillary disorders.